DayDash Design

A modular resource and time management tool. Mostly intended as a teaching resource.

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Domain model

Heavily inspired by Getting Things Done methodology, the end goal is to provide the user with a customizable flow that allows them a frictionless transition between storing ideas, planning and task-tracking.


Domain functional decomposition


Project Structure

Significant quality attributes

Principle related quality attributes
A “pure” core domain containing the logic Maintainability, Extensibility
Modular Adaptors connecting the logic to the outside world Extensibility, Interoperability
Flexibility of deployment and infrastructure Portability
Outside interaction trough RESTful endpoints Portability, Interoperability

Application layers

Multi-tiered layered approach, mostly following the hexagonal model.

Selected Technology stack

Technology Role Goal
Java 11 Core language Primary language of maintainer, as well as an industry standard
Spring Boot Infrastructure framework Industry standard of practise.
Maven Dependency Management Industry standard for building java systems. While more formal than groovy, most configuration is easily done.
Jekyll Documentation generator Generation of static documentation site
LiquiBase Database versioning Allow for simple-to-configure definition of database definitions. (Infrastructure-as-code)
SonarCloud Static Analysis Automated code review, vulnerability analysis
Markdown Documentation language Low barrier, low ceremony markup language.
PlantUml Diagramming tool Diagram-as-code solution, allows for in-editor creation of images.