
A containerized markdown to document generation stack. Includes some examples and scripts to get you going.

View the Project on GitHub sddevelopment-be/document-generation

DocGen Project User Guide

Table of Contents:

Background Information

The DocGen project is meant as a way to simplify the installation and usage of FOSS plain text document layouting systems. The main advantages of using a plain text format to write and maintain your documentation files are:

Project Structure

Most of the DocGen Project is a simple aggregation of various Free and Open Source Software projects. The main issue when relying on an eclectic stack to generate documents is that you need to install and configure all components on every machine you wish to use it.

DocGen aims to solve this by providing users with an easier way to do this set-up. Installation and usage of this repository (stand-alone or as a supporting stack for your other repositories) should be limited to three distinct installation operations:

The diagram below shows how the DocGen stack operates on your personal machine or server infrastructure.

Structure of the project's components

System Requirements

Getting Started with SDD DocGen

Before attempting to use the project for yourself, try to build the samples included in this repository first. This will give you a good idea of how the project is intended to be used, and how you can extend or adapt it to your own needs.

Start the containers

Create the docker image.

cd ./ops

Run conversion

Start the docker-compose containers and execute the commands showed below. You can edit the scripts in ops/scripts/, or add your own.

docker-compose -f ./ops/docker-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans
docker-compose -f ./ops/docker-compose.yml exec linux sh /root/docGen/scripts/ documents/ document sdd-base

Alternativly, you can use the script included in this repository’s root to run all the examples. The result of these can be found in your local ./output directory.

Specific Tasks and Goals

INFO: This section is a STUB and will be expanded in the future