Serenity BDD Report
Report generated 28-12-2023 06:25:28

Test Results: All Tests

15 tests


Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Functional Coverage Overview


Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 15
Total Number of Test Cases 15
Tests Started Dec 28, 2023 06:25:22
Tests Finished Dec 28, 2023 06:25:24
Total Duration 1s
Fastest Test 0ms
Slowest Test 419ms
Average Execution Time 30ms
Total Execution Time 456ms

Functional Coverage Details


Feature Scenarios Test Cases % Pass Result Coverage
Constrainable test 5 5 100%
Constraint test 4 4 100%
Invalid object exception test 1 1 100%
Constrainable usages 1 1 100%
Validator usage 1 1 100%
Validations test 3 3 100%

Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 15 Total Duration 1s
Total Number of Test Cases 15 Fastest Test 0ms
Number of Manual Test Cases 0 Slowest Test 419ms
Tests Started Dec 28, 2023 06:25:22 Average Execution Time 30ms
Tests Finished Dec 28, 2023 06:25:24 Total Execution Time 456ms

Automated Scenarios

feature Scenario Context Steps Started Total Duration Result
ConstrainableTest Given valid data when applying rule its evaluation is remembered 0 06:25:22 419ms SUCCESS
ConstrainableTest Guard fails fast when invalid 0 06:25:24 008ms SUCCESS
ConstrainableTest Feedback throws a validation exception given invalid source data 0 06:25:24 004ms SUCCESS
ConstrainableTest Feedback has no effect given valid source data 0 06:25:24 003ms SUCCESS
ConstrainableTest Given invalid data when applying rule it is evaluated as invalid 0 06:25:24 003ms SUCCESS
ConstraintTest Given two identical rules they are considered equal 0 06:25:24 SUCCESS
ConstraintTest A validation rule can be build and used in a fluent way 0 06:25:24 SUCCESS
ConstraintTest Given two identical rules their hashes are identical 0 06:25:24 SUCCESS
ConstraintTest Rules are chainable 0 06:25:24 SUCCESS
InvalidObjectExceptionTest Invalid object exception must contain all errors given multiple errors 0 06:25:24 005ms SUCCESS
ConstrainableUsages Checked should allow for fluent usage when using it as a guard given invalid object 0 06:25:24 004ms SUCCESS
ValidatorUsage Modular validators must cover basic usage given simple date based validation logic 0 06:25:24 003ms SUCCESS
ValidationsTest Utility classes should not be instantiatable 0 06:25:24 003ms SUCCESS
ValidationsTest Given an object with a null field having non null field predicate fails 0 06:25:24 002ms SUCCESS
ValidationsTest Given an object with no null field having non null field predicate succeeds 0 06:25:24 002ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 4.0.29