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Report generated 28-12-2023 06:25:28

Duration Under 1 Second

15 tests |

Note that results include data-driven scenarios containing tests , which may also contain results other than tests .

Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 15
Total Number of Test Cases 15
Tests Started Dec 28, 2023 06:25:22
Tests Finished Dec 28, 2023 06:25:24
Total Duration 1s
Fastest Test 0ms
Slowest Test 419ms
Average Execution Time 30ms
Total Execution Time 456ms

Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Functional Coverage Overview


Functional Coverage Details


Feature Test Cases Scenarios % Pass Result Coverage
Constrainable test 5 5 100%
Constraint test 4 4 100%
Invalid object exception test 1 1 100%
Constrainable usages 1 1 100%
Validator usage 1 1 100%
Validations test 3 3 100%

Automated Tests

feature Scenario Steps Started Total Duration Result
ConstrainableTest Given valid data when applying rule its evaluation is remembered 0 06:25:22 419ms SUCCESS
ConstrainableTest Guard fails fast when invalid 0 06:25:24 008ms SUCCESS
ConstrainableTest Feedback throws a validation exception given invalid source data 0 06:25:24 004ms SUCCESS
ConstrainableTest Feedback has no effect given valid source data 0 06:25:24 003ms SUCCESS
ConstrainableTest Given invalid data when applying rule it is evaluated as invalid 0 06:25:24 003ms SUCCESS
ConstraintTest Given two identical rules they are considered equal 0 06:25:24 SUCCESS
ConstraintTest A validation rule can be build and used in a fluent way 0 06:25:24 SUCCESS
ConstraintTest Given two identical rules their hashes are identical 0 06:25:24 SUCCESS
ConstraintTest Rules are chainable 0 06:25:24 SUCCESS
InvalidObjectExceptionTest Invalid object exception must contain all errors given multiple errors 0 06:25:24 005ms SUCCESS
ConstrainableUsages Checked should allow for fluent usage when using it as a guard given invalid object 0 06:25:24 004ms SUCCESS
ValidatorUsage Modular validators must cover basic usage given simple date based validation logic 0 06:25:24 003ms SUCCESS
ValidationsTest Utility classes should not be instantiatable 0 06:25:24 003ms SUCCESS
ValidationsTest Given an object with a null field having non null field predicate fails 0 06:25:24 002ms SUCCESS
ValidationsTest Given an object with no null field having non null field predicate succeeds 0 06:25:24 002ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 4.0.29