Below is an overview of content that matches the tag "decision-making".
Note that this list is not exhaustive, as it is automatically aggregated based on manually assigned categorizations.
If you notice a missing element, or think some of the items are wrongfully categorized, please create a bug/improvement ticket on our github issue tracker.
description:Systematic errors in thinking that affect decision-making and perception by creating a subjective reality.
problem:You often struggle with deciding what to do next, feeling uncertain about which choice would be most beneficial for you.
description:Use a systematic framework to make informed decisions by evaluating your resources — Support, Time, Energy, Attention, and Money.
problem:You find yourself constantly busy, yet achieving little of value.
description:Assign a priority category to tasks based on their urgency and importance. Act depending on priority category.
description:Embrace our mortality and live a meaningful life by aligning our actions with our core values.
description:Return on Investment (ROI) is a metric used to evaluate the efficiency or profitability of an investment. It measures the amount of return on an investment relative to its cost.
problem:You are looking for ways to enhance productivity by reducing meeting time, interruptions, and communication overhead.
description:Creating minimal but effective design documentation to track and communicate decisions in software development, reducing the need for excessive meetings and improving team alignment.
problem:You want to ensure balanced and well-informed decision-making that aligns with desired (organizational) core values.
description:Apply an AMMERSE-based analysis to evaluate the likely impact of decisions, practices, and techniques on the system under change.
The Sociocracy 3.0 (S3) Patterns website offers a comprehensive collection of patterns designed to enhance collaboration, governance, and decision-making within organizations. By providing a flexible framework based on principles of sociocracy and agile methodologies, S3 helps teams adapt to changing environments, make decentralized decisions, and improve overall effectiveness. This resource is particularly useful for knowledge workers and organizations seeking to implement more inclusive and efficient ways of working.
The Cynefin framework homepage provides an overview of a decision-making model used to navigate complex, chaotic, and simple situations. It offers a way to identify the nature of different contexts so that appropriate responses can be applied. Developed by Dave Snowden, Cynefin is valuable for knowledge workers, leaders, and strategists who need to make sense of complex environments and choose suitable actions in varying situations.